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Page history last edited by Steven Marx 13 years, 7 months ago


Sustainability Book Club: A Cal Poly Faculty Colloquium


Program Description


From the Center for Teaching and Learning Website

Detailed description (pdf)  

Updated Schedule of Presenters and Readings and list of participants (Word doc download)


Personal Reflections at the conclusion of the 2009-2010 Series by Steven Marx


Materials for the seventeenth meeting on Friday February 18 2011--Agenda for New Economy by David Korten


Kate Lancaster's Powerpoint 


Materials for the sixteenth meeting on Friday January 14 2011--Climate Wars by Gwynne Dyer


Chris Yip's Powerpoint 


Materials for the fifteenth meeting on Friday November 19 2010--The Road by Cormac MacCarthy


Discussion leader Catherine Waitinas' Powerpoint Presentation

Materials for the discussion

Materials for the fourteenth meeting on October 8 2010--Eaarth  by Bill McKibben


Short review, comments and outline of the text by Steven Marx, followed by excerpts of reviews in Reason, The New York Times and The New York Review of Books

Materials for the thirteenth meeting on May 7 2010--Resilience Thinking by Brian Walker and David Salt


Comments by Alypios


Materials for the twelfth meeting on April 9 2010--Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace by Vananda Shiva 


 Jane Lehr's Powerpoint presentation on the book

Comments by Alypios


Materials for the eleventh meeting on March 5 2010--Down to the Wire: Confronting Climate Collapse by David Orr


Sara Daubert's Powerpoint

Comments and outline by Steven Marx

Comments by Alypios

David Orr's Earth Day presentation at Cal Poly in April 2004 on the occasion of President Baker's signing the Talloires Declaration


Materials for the tenth meeting on February 5 2010--Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv


Christine Victorino's presentation

NPR Interview with Richard Louv

The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting with Nature (Psychological Science, 2008)

Learning to Love Nature Enough to Protect It (Chawla, 2006)

Happiness and Nature (Paul Bloom, Psychology, Yale)

Critique: Does Richard Louv’s Last Child in the Woods say anything new?

Wal-Mart CEO's Experiences with Nature

Article linking student academic success and school gardens.

NYT Magazine article on Ecopsychology


 Materials for the ninth meeting on January 8 2010--Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough


Brian Kennelly's Discussion Notes

Alypios' notes

McDonogh's TED lecture (from Jonathan Reich)

Article Critical of McDonough: "Green Guru Gone Wrong"

McDonough's website


 Materials for the eighth meeting on December 4 2009--Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer


Brad Campbell's Powerpoint

Sustainability Book Club Meeting Notes 4 December 2009.doc

Alypios' notes


 Materials for the seventh meeting on November 13 2009--The Necessary Revolution by Peter Senge


Discussion Notes 

Norm's Powerpoint Presentation

Kate Lancaster's Mindmap of the book

Report on San Luis Obispo Green Business Awards

The fall of BP Renewables

Comments by Alypios

Comments by Kate Lancaster

Review by Alia Institute (referred by Kate)

Review/article in Business Week


Materials for the sixth meeting on October 2 2009--In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan


Directions for driving, etc.

Links provided by Hunter

Comments by Alypios on Pollan


Materials for the fifth meeting on May 1 2009--Biomimicry by Janine Benyus


Minutes of the Discussion provided by Karen Bangs

          Powerpoint on Biomimicry (Alypios)

2002 Outline of Chapters (Steven Marx)

BiomimicryComments.doc (Alypios)

Biomimicry website (San Diego Zoo) (from Norm Borin)


Materials for the fourth meeting on April 3 2009--When the Rivers Run Dry by Fred Pearce


Minutes of the Discussion provided by Jane Lehr

Two Articles provided by Adrienne Grieve

Reviews of When the Rivers Run Dry by Fred Pearce

Out West, Catching Raindrops Can Make You an Outlaw

Democracy Now! features today on world water developments:



Outline of the book and comments (Steven Marx)

Alypios' comments


Materials for the third meeting on March 6 2009--Hot Flat and Crowded by Thomas Friedman


Minutes of the presentation and discussion provided by Christine Victorino

Chandrika Jaggia's comments on the book and suggestions for three new sustainability courses

Outline of Thomas Friedman's Hot, Flat and Crowded (smarx)

Supplementary Material for Discussion of this book


Comments from Alypios

Comments from Rob Rutherford

Comments from Jonathan Reich


Materials for the second meeting on February 6 2009--Deep Economy by Bill McKibben

Follow-up comments on the discussion and conclusions (February14)

Minutes of the discussion revision 1

Links to and excerpts of reviews of Deep Economy

Notes on Deep Economy (smarx)


Materials for the first meeting on January 2 2009

“What is Education For?” by David Orr (1991)

Sustainability at Cal Poly, 2008 Biannual Progress Report (pdf)

Cal Poly Sustainability documents

January 2 2009 presentation outline (Word.doc)

January 2 minutes of discussion provided by Christine Victorino (Word.doc)

Rutherford and Marx on Donella Meadows' "Leverage Points"


Materials for Developing a UNIV interdisciplinary course on Sustainability


Initial plans for the course


Jonathan Reich's notes on the development of the EDES program

Jane Lehr's syllabus for WGS 401: Seminar in Women’s Studies – Feminist & Anti-Racist Perspectives on Sustainability and the Environment

"End the University as we Know It," Op Ed in NYTimes April 30 2009

An Initial Search on Interdisciplinary “Introduction to Sustainability” courses (word doc)

Brad Allenby (ASU) syllabus for Fall 2009 FSE 194 "Technological, Social, and Sustainable Systems"

Comment on Allenby by Steven Marx


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